Two of my ‘Countryside Celebration’ fairisle designs – firstly knitted, then the images are printed onto canvas fabric and stretched over a wooden frame – thus creating a more practical form of wall hanging…
My latest macrame pieces in action – I have woven threads into a knitted ‘yoke’ before knotting them – so that each piece will sit nicely around the shoulders…
Having fun with my latest collection of re-claimed ‘threads’ and materials – planning how best to use them so that they keep as much of their original ‘character’ as possible…
Originally I was a weaver, and have recently re-visited some of my ‘jacquard’ fabric designs. This one (inspired by butterfly wings) I am now using as the background for a new digital-print design, adding some of my related drawings and paintings as motifs…
I call this my ‘sea-shawl’ – which started life as a crochet ‘doodle’… The spiral swirls (ammonites?) are areas I have embossed with strips of re-cycled, space-dyed fabric…
Just playing with ‘patches’ of off-cut silk fabric (of my ‘Twin Hydrangeas’ digital print design). The idea is to let these richly textured squares evolve into a decorative shawl or neck-piece, one square at a time…
Inspired by a walk over the ‘Golden Gate Bridge’ on my recent trip to San Francisco, I’ve started working on new ideas for creating very lacy/ open-work fabrics that also have great ‘stability’…
I’m starting to look at some new designs for my 2nd collection of digitally-printed scarves and fabrics. I love to mix images of my 3-D textile work with photographs and drawings…